The oxidation of isopropyl alcohol will yield___________________?

A. propane
B. Propanol
C. Propanone
D. Propanoic acid

¨       The oxidation of isopropyl alcohol will yield propanone (also known as acetone). Isopropyl alcohol, also known as 2-propanol, is a secondary alcohol with the molecular formula C3H8O. When isopropyl alcohol is oxidized, it loses two hydrogen atoms and gains an oxygen atom to form propanone. The oxidation can be achieved by various methods, such as using an oxidizing agent like potassium dichromate or chromic acid, or by heating the alcohol in the presence of a catalyst like copper or manganese dioxide. The resulting propanone is a colorless, volatile liquid with a characteristic odor, and is used as a solvent, fuel additive, and in the production of other chemicals.

Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

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