Zn(s)/Zn+2(aq) 1M | | Cu+2(aq) 1M/Cu(s) is representation of reaction in______________?

A. Daniel cell
B. Downs cell
C. Voltaic cell
D. Nelsons cell

¨       The symbols / and || are used to represent different parts of a voltaic cell.

¨       The single line (|) represents a phase boundary between two different solutions or phases, such as between the anode and the cathode solutions in a cell.

¨       The double line (||) represents a salt bridge or porous membrane that allows ion flow between the two solutions, while preventing them from mixing completely. The salt bridge is essential for maintaining electrical neutrality in the two half-cells and for maintaining the flow of electrons between them.

¨       So, the representation Zn(s)/Zn+2(aq) 1M | | Cu+2(aq) 1M/Cu(s) indicates that there is a zinc electrode in contact with a 1 M solution of zinc ions on the left side of the cell, separated by a phase boundary from a 1 M solution of copper ions in contact with a copper electrode on the right side of the cell, with a salt bridge (represented by the double line) connecting the two sides.

Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

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