Absolute alcohol is obtained when rectified spirit is treated with__________________?

A. Ca(OH)2
B. CaCO3
C. CaCl2
D. CaO

¨       Absolute alcohol is obtained when rectified spirit is treated with CaO (Calcium oxide), also known as quicklime. Rectified spirit is a type of alcohol that has been distilled to increase its alcohol content. However, it still contains small amounts of water and impurities. To obtain absolute alcohol, rectified spirit is treated with a desiccant such as CaO, which absorbs any remaining water and other impurities. The mixture is then distilled to remove the CaO and other solid impurities, leaving behind pure ethanol. This process is known as dehydration or rectification, and it is commonly used in the production of industrial alcohol and laboratory reagents.

Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

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