Prepare for your upcoming test with a comprehensive collection of Chemistry multiple-choice questions (MCQs), ranging from basic to advanced topics. These Chemistry MCQs cover various sections of the subject, providing you with valuable practice and boosting your chances of scoring well in the Chemistry portion of the test. Whether you’re a student or a job seeker preparing for exams, these MCQs will prove beneficial for your test preparation.
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What is the Iupac name for the compound shown below.
A) 1-Bromo-3-chlorocyclohexene | B) 2-Bromo-6-chlorocyclohex-1-ene |
C) 6-Bromo-2-chlorocyclohexene | D) 3-Bromo-1-chlorocyclohex-1-ene |
Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz
The O-O linkage is present in__________?
A. H2S2O3
C. H2S4O6
D. H2 S2 O6
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
Silver Mirror test is given by which one of the following compounds?
A) Only 1 | B) Only 2 |
C) 1 and 3 | D) 2 and 4 |
Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz
SI unit of equivalent conductance
A) ohm/cm | B) Siemens m2/equivalent |
C) Siemens/equivalent | D) mho/cm |
Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz
Hydrogen bomb is based on the principle of
A) nuclear fission | B) nuclear fusion |
C) natural radioactivity | D) artificial radioactivity |
Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz
The average human body contains about _______ gram of Sodium Chloride.
(A) 190
(B) 210
(C) 230
(D) 250
Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz
The chemical name of chalk is
(A) Sodium nitrate
(B) Zinc sulfate
(C) Sulphuric acid
(D) Calcium carbonate
Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz
Poisonous gas present in the exhaust fumes of a jet plane is__________?
A. Fluorocarbon
B. Carbon monoxide
C. Methane
D. C2H2
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
The formula C6H5-CO-CH3 represents_______ ?
A. Acetone
B. Acetic acid
C. Acetophenone
D. Phenyl acetate
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed