Which pollutant is not secondary pollutant?
- SO2
- NO2
- SO3
- Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN)
Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz
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Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz
Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz
Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz
Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz
Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz
A. O3
B. NO2
D. SO₂
Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz
A. rechargeable
B. non rechargeable
C. electrolytic cell
D. Daniel cell
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
A. to get oxidized
B. to get reduced
C. to accept electrons
D. both B and C
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
A. oxidation
B. reduction
C. oxidation-reduction
D. depends on the nature of the coupled electrode
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
A. zero
B. unity
C. constant
D. multiple of 1
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed