The specie which donates electrons to central metal atom in coordination sphere is called______?
A. anion
B. cation
C. Ligand is positively charged
D. acid
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
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A. anion
B. cation
C. Ligand is positively charged
D. acid
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
A. hydrates
B. hydrides
C. binary compounds
D. interstitial compounds
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
A. oxides
B. silicates
C. slag
D. carbonates
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
A. tetrahedral
B. square planar
C. trigonal bipyramidal
D. octahedral
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
A. English
B. Greek
C. Roman numeral
D. Hebrew
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
A. complex ion
B. coordination sphere
C. ligand
D. complex compound
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
A. ligand
B. mono-dentate ligand
C. poly-dentate ligand
D. bi-dentate ligand
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
A. simples ions
B. complex ions
C. double salts
D. strong anions
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
A. orbitals of f-subshell
B. orbitals of d-subshell
C. orbitals of p-subshell
D. both A & B
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
A. diamagnetic
B. paramagnetic
C. good conductor
D. ferromagnetic
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed