What is clinker ?
A. roasted calcareous material
B. roasted argillaceous material
C. roasted calcareous and argillaceous material
D. roasted gypsum
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
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A. roasted calcareous material
B. roasted argillaceous material
C. roasted calcareous and argillaceous material
D. roasted gypsum
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
A. form starch sugar and fibrous material
B. ripen the seeds and fruits
C. increase the resistance against disease
D. all the above statements are correct
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
A. manure
B. urea
C. ammonium nitrate
D. All
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
A. nitrogenous fertilizers
B. micronutrients
C. phosphorus fertilizer
D. all of the above
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
A. Clay
B. marine shells
C. slate
D. blast furnace slag
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
A. Double decomposition reaction
B. Neutralization reaction
C. Ionic reactions
D. all of above
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
A. Exothermic
B. Endothermic
C. Moderate Reaction
D. No Reaction
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
A. Spectrophotometer method
B. Dilatometric method
C. Optical relation method
D. Refractometric method
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
A. Single
B. Square
C. Cube
D. Raise to power four
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
A. Rate of reaction
B. Rate of formation of product
C. Energy released during reaction
D. A and B
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed