Carboxylic acid on reduction with HI / phosphorous yields_________________?
A. alkane
B. alcohols
C. aldehydes
D. ketones
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
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A. alkane
B. alcohols
C. aldehydes
D. ketones
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
A. proton
B. H+
C. both A & amp; B
D. H-
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
A. Alcohol
B. Ketone
C. Both A & B
D. None of the above
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
A. ketone
B. Aldehyde
C. Alkene then – COOH
D. Ester
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
D. None of the above
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
A. Nylon 66
B. urotropine
C. Aniline formaldehyde plastic
D. Bakelite
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
A. formation of phenolic resins
B. formation of mirror
C. antiseptic inhalant
D. formation of throat lozenges
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
A. in silvery mirror
B. in making medicine urotropine
C. in making throat lozenges
D. in making acetic acid
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
A. alkyl groups are electron donating
B. steric hindrance
C. Both A and B
D. none
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed
A. formaldehyde
B. acetaldehyde
C. dimethyl ketone
D. propionaldehyde
Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed