d-block elements are also called as __________?

A. Inner Transition
B. Outer Transition
C. Alkali Metals
D. Both B & C

  • The inner transition metals are the elements located in the f-block of the periodic table, which includes the lanthanides and actinides. These elements have electrons in the f-orbital and exhibit unique electronic configurations, properties, and chemical behavior due to the presence of the partially filled f-orbitals.
  • The outer transition metals, on the other hand, are the d-block elements that are located between the s-block and p-block elements on the periodic table. These elements have electrons in the d-orbitals and exhibit similar properties due to the partially filled d-orbitals.

Therefore, the d-block elements are called outer transition metals because they are in the outer part of the transition metals section of the periodic table, while the f-block elements are called inner transition metals because they are located inside the d-block elements and exhibit more localized properties due to the presence of the f-electrons.

Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

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