During Electrolysis of Water the product @cathode obtained is ___________?

A. Hydrogen Gas & Oxygen
B. Oxygen Gas & Water
C. CO & Water
D. Hydrogen & Carbon monoxide

  • Electrolysis of water is a process in which water is split into its two constituent elements, hydrogen and oxygen, through the application of an electric current.
  • During this process, two electrodes are immersed in the water and a direct current is applied. The cathode attracts positively charged ions (H+) and reduces them to hydrogen gas (H2). The anode attracts negatively charged ions (OH-) and oxidizes them to oxygen gas (O2). The overall balanced reaction for the electrolysis of water is: 2 H2O (l) → 2 H2 (g) + O2 (g)

Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

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