Element that have same number of neutrons are called__________?

A. isotope
B. isobar
C. isotone
D. None of these

  • Isotone: Two or more atoms that have the same number of neutrons, but different numbers of protons and electrons. For example, Carbon-13 and Nitrogen-14 are isotones, as they both have 7 neutrons.
  • Isomer: Two or more molecules that have the same molecular formula, but different arrangements of atoms. For example, glucose and fructose are isomers.
  • Isotope: Two or more atoms that have the same number of protons (and hence the same atomic number), but different numbers of neutrons (and hence different atomic masses). For example, Carbon-12 and Carbon-14 are isotopes of carbon.
  • Isobar: Two or more atoms or ions that have the same mass number (i.e., the sum of the number of protons and neutrons), but different atomic numbers. For example, Carbon-14 and Nitrogen-14 are isobars, as they both have a mass number of 14, but different atomic numbers.

Submitted by :- Saqib Ali

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