Here is some information about polymers

Q: What is a polymer?

A: A polymer is a large molecule composed of many repeating smaller units called monomers.


Q: What are the two main categories of polymers?

A: Natural polymers and synthetic polymers.


Q: What is a common natural polymer?

A: Cellulose.


Q: What is a common synthetic polymer?

A: Polyethylene.


Q: What is the process of forming polymers from monomers called?

A: Polymerization.


Q: What are the two primary types of polymerization?

A: Addition (chain-growth) polymerization and condensation (step-growth) polymerization.


Q: What is the term for the number of monomer units in a polymer chain?

A: Degree of polymerization.


Q: What is the difference between a homopolymer and a copolymer?

A: A homopolymer consists of a single type of monomer, while a copolymer consists of two or more different types of monomers.


Q: What is a thermoplastic polymer?

A: A thermoplastic polymer is a polymer that can be melted and reprocessed multiple times without significant degradation.


Q: What is a thermosetting polymer?

A: A thermosetting polymer is a polymer that, once cured or hardened, cannot be re-melted or reprocessed.


Q: What is a common thermoplastic polymer?

A: Polypropylene (PP).


Q: What is a common thermosetting polymer?

A: Epoxy resin.


Q: What is a cross-linked polymer?

A: A polymer with covalent bonds connecting the polymer chains, resulting in a network structure.


Q: What is a common example of a cross-linked polymer?

A: Vulcanized rubber.


Q: What is a polymer’s glass transition temperature (Tg)?

A: The temperature at which a polymer transitions from a glassy, rigid state to a rubbery, more flexible state.


Q: What is a polymer’s melting temperature (Tm)?

A: The temperature at which a crystalline or semi-crystalline polymer transitions from a solid state to a molten, liquid state.


Q: What is a branched polymer?

A: A polymer with side chains extending from the main polymer backbone.


Q: What is a linear polymer?

A: A polymer with a single, unbranched chain of monomers.

Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

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