Out of Alkane, Alkene & Alkyne, which one is more acidic?

A. Alkane
B. Alkene
C. Alkyne
D. All have same

¨       Acidity is the ability of a molecule to donate a proton (H+). In the case of alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes, they are all made up of carbon and hydrogen atoms, but they differ in their types of bonds.

¨       Alkanes have only single bonds between the carbon atoms and are considered the least acidic because the bond is strong and cannot easily break to donate a proton.

¨       Alkenes have a double bond between two carbon atoms, which is weaker than a single bond and can more easily break to donate a proton, making them more acidic than alkanes.

¨       Alkynes have a triple bond between two carbon atoms, which is even weaker than a double bond and can more easily break to donate a proton, making them the most acidic among the three.

Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

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