Presence of nitrogen in organic compounds is tested as__________?

A. Nitrogen gas
B. NH3
C. CN‾

Test Observation Inference
Lassaigne’s test for nitrogen The compound is fused with sodium metal, and the resulting melt is extracted with distilled water. The extract is then tested with ferrous sulfate and then with NaOH and FeSO4. The appearance of a blue or green coloration with ferrous sulfate indicates the presence of nitrogen. The formation of Prussian blue coloration on adding NaOH and FeSO4 confirms the presence of nitrogen.
Lassaigne’s test for sulfur The compound is fused with sodium metal, and the resulting melt is extracted with distilled water. The extract is then acidified with dilute HCl and then tested with lead acetate. The formation of a black precipitate of lead sulfide confirms the presence of sulfur.
Lassaigne’s test for halogens The compound is fused with sodium metal, and the resulting melt is extracted with distilled water. The extract is then acidified with dilute nitric acid and tested with silver nitrate. The formation of a white precipitate of silver halide (AgX) confirms the presence of ha

Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

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