
Rutherford bombarded _________________ particles in discovery of nucleus?
A. Gamma-rays B. Alpha-rays C. Beta-rays D. X-rays Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Charge of electron was measured by__________________?
A. J.J Thomson B. Millikan C. Rutherford D. Perrin Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Free neutron changes into proton with the emission of__________________?
A. Neutrino B. Electron C. Both A & B D. Meson Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Increase in atomic number is observed during_________________?
A. Alpha emission B. Beta emission C. Both A & B D. Radioactivity Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Estimation of amounts of different components in a sample is________________?
A. Quantitative analysis B. Qualitative analysis C. Stoichiometry D. Physical chemistry Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Branch of chemistry that deals with the complete qualitative and quantitative analysis of a substance is___________________?
A. Stoichio chemistry B. Physical chemistry C. Analytical chemistry D. Quantum chemistry Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

A technique of partition chromatography in which the solvent is in a pool at the bottom of container_______________?
A. Adsorption chromatography B. Ascending chromatography C. Radial chromatography D. Descending chromatography Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

A substance having very high vapour pressure at its melting point on heating will show_______________?
A. Melting B. Sublimation C. Decomposition D. Condensation Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Fluted filter paper is used to__________________?
A. Filter hot solution B. Avoid premature crystallization C. Increase the rate of filtration D. Decrease the area Submitted by…

Which of the following technique is used for the separation of insoluble particles from liquids ?
A. Filtration B. Crystallization C. Solvent extraction D. Chromatography Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed