
Ionic bond is produced after complete transfer of ________________ ?
A. Nucleus B. Neutrons C. Electrons D. Protons Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

In a period electronegativity from left to right_________________?
A. Increases B. Decreases C. Remain constant D. Variable trend Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Elements having high I.P values are____________________?
A. Metals B. Non metals C. Liquids D. Solids Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Ionization energy in a period generally ___________________?
A. Increases B. Decreases C. No change D. Variable trend Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

In group TOP TO BOTTOM, ionic radius ?
A. Increases B. Decreases C. No change D. Variable trend Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

An atom loses or gains electrons to__________________?
A. Gain stability B. Form a bond C. Complete its outermost shell D. all are accurate justifications Submitted by :-…

Which of the following have their outer most shell complete in atomic form ?
A. Noble gases B. Alkali metals C. Coinage metals D. Gun metals Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Which one shows high %age of the ionic character ?
A. H2O B. HF C. HCI D. HBr Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Which of the following is not considered as an intermolecular force between molecules ?
A. Coordinate covalent bonds B. Hydrogen bonds C. Debye forces D. London dispersion forces Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

What is the relative rate of effusion of CO and CO2 ?
A. CO is 1.25 times faster than CO2 B. CO is 3.75 times faster than CO2 C. CO is 1.25…