
In sp3 hybridization ________________?
A. All p-orbitals are involved B. One s and 3 p-orbitals are involved C. one p-orbital is involved D. four…

Product of charge and distance is called__________________?
A. Pressure B. Bond length C. Work D. Dipole moment Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Unpaired electron in a molecule gives ______________ character?
A. Ferromagnetic B. Paramagnetic C. Diamagnetism D. Both A & B Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

According to VESPR Model the geometry of molecule having 5 bond pair in outer most shell will be __________________?
A. Triangular B. Square planner C. Trigonal bipyramidal D. Octahedral Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Geometry of molecule will be pyramidal if the outer Most shell of the central atom has___________________?
A. 3 bond pair one lone pair B. 2 bond pair 2 lone pair C. 1 bond pair 3 lone…

Orbitals of same energy produced after mixing of orbitals of different energy are called __________________?
A. Degenerate orbitals B. Generate orbitals C. Hybrid orbitals D. Zeeman orbitals Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Sharing of 1 electron pair by one specie forms_________________?
A. Single covalent bond B. Hydrogen bond C. Double covalent bond D. Coordinate covalent bond Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Which one of the following has polar covalent bond ?
A. HF B. CH4 C. H2 D. N2 Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

The solid particles only posses_____________________?
A. Translational motion B. Vibrational motion C. Rotational motion D. All of above motions Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Which state of matter has the lowest density
A. Gas B. Liquid C. Solid D. Plasma Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed