
The percentage of nitrogen in urea is________________?
A. 36% B. 46% C. 56% D. 66% Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

The sequence of zones in the rotary kiln are as____________________?
A. dry zone burning zone decomposition zone cooling zone B. cooling zone burning zone decomposition zone dry zone C. burning…

Which one of the following raw material is not present in the cement ?
A. lime stone B. gypsum C. KNO3 D. iron oxide Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Phosphorus helps in the growth of_________________?
A. root B. leave C. stem D. seed Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

What is clinker ?
A. roasted calcareous material B. roasted argillaceous material C. roasted calcareous and argillaceous material D. roasted gypsum Submitted by :-…

The potassium present in plant help the plant to___________________?
A. form starch sugar and fibrous material B. ripen the seeds and fruits C. increase the resistance against disease D.…

Which one of the following is an inorganic fertilizer ?
A. manure B. urea C. ammonium nitrate D. All Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

The nutrients which are required in very small amount for the normal growth of plants are called_________________?
A. nitrogenous fertilizers B. micronutrients C. phosphorus fertilizer D. all of the above Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Argillaceous material does not include________________?
A. Clay B. marine shells C. slate D. blast furnace slag Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Which of the following will have very high rate of reaction ?
A. Double decomposition reaction B. Neutralization reaction C. Ionic reactions D. all of above Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed