
Energy of reactant higher than energy of product favors ________?
A. Exothermic B. Endothermic C. Moderate Reaction D. No Reaction Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Radiations are absorbed in_______________?
A. Spectrophotometer method B. Dilatometric method C. Optical relation method D. Refractometric method Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

For 3rd order reaction the half life is inversely proportional to initial concentration of reactants__________________?
A. Single B. Square C. Cube D. Raise to power four Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Rate of disappearance of reactant is equal to_________________?
A. Rate of reaction B. Rate of formation of product C. Energy released during reaction D. A and B Submitted…

Unit of rate of reaction is_________________?
A. Moles dm-3 sec-1 B. Moles dm-3 C. Moles sec-1 D. Mol-1 dm3 sec-1 Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Spontaneous reactions are_______________?
A. Moderate B. Slow C. Fast D. not natural Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

The value of activation energy is primarily determined by_______________?
A. Temperature B. Effective collision C. Concentration of reactants D. Chemical nature of reactants and products Submitted by :- Jamil…

The specific rate constant of a first order reaction depends on the________________?
A. Time B. Concentration of the reactant C. Temperature D. Concentration of the product Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

The rate of reaction___________________?
A. Increases as the reaction proceeds B. Decreases as the reaction proceeds C. Remains the same as the reaction proceeds…

The addition of a catalyst to the reaction system__________________?
A. Increases the rate of forward reaction only B. Increases the rate of reverse reaction C. Increases the rate of…