
The longest period in the modern periodic table is___________________?
A. 6th B. 7th C. 2nd and 3rd both D. 5th Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Noble gases are named so because they are__________________?
A. less reactive B. Zero group elements C. Having completely filled valence shell D. All Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Which element was not known when Mendeleev proposed his classification ?
A. Hydrogen B. Sodium C. Copper D. Germanium Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

The scientist who did not contribute in the construction of periodic table ?
A. Al-Razi B. Moseley C. Dobereiner D. Democritus Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Among halogens the highest boiling point is of___________________?
A. Florine B. Chlorine C. Bromine D. Iodine Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Halides in which halogen atoms act as a bridge between two atoms of the other element are called___________________?
A. Covalent halides B. Electronegative halides C. Polymeric halides D. Polymeric hydrides Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Oxidation state of an atom represents____________________?
A. Number of electrons gained B. Number of electrons lost C. Apparent charge in compound D. Its vacancies Submitted by…

Metallic characters of alkali metals_____________________?
A. Increase down the group B. Decrease down the group C. No regular trend D. Remain same Submitted by :-…

Addition of 2nd electron to a uni negative ion is always____________________?
A. Exothermic B. Endothermic C. Data is insufficient D. Unpredictable Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Ionization energy depends upon____________________?
A. Nuclear charge B. Atomic size C. Shielding effect D. I.E depends upon all of the above and nature of…