
Which one is Chloroform_________________?
A. CH2Cl2 B. CH3Cl C. CHCl3 D. CCl4 Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

In unsaturated hydrocarbons electrons favour___________________?
A. less reactivity B. addition reactions C. substitution reactions D. none Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Alkenes are produced from dehalogenation of________________?
A. dihalo alkane B. trihalo alkane C. vicinal dihalo alkane D. vicinal trihalo alkane Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Which of the following will be acidic_____________?
A. propyne B. 1-butyne C. ethyne D. all of the above Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

The gas used in manufacturing of urea fertilizer__________________?
A. C2H6 B. C2H4 C. C2H2 D. CH4 Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Introduction of nitro group in a molecule is called___________________?
A. nitration B. halogenation C. sulphonation D. amination Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Which of the following is the most reactive_________________?
A. ethane B. ethyne C. ethene D. benzene Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

R-Mg-Br is called___________________?
A. Grignard reagent B. Metallic alkyl halide C. Both A & B D. Alkyl Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

General formula of alkyne is______________?
A. CnH2n + 2 B. CnH2n – 2 C. CnH2n D. CnH2n + 2 Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Order of ease of halogenation in alkane is________________?
A. I2>Cl2>Br2>F2 B. F2>Cl2>I2>Br2 C. F2>Cl2>Br2>I2 D. Cl2>F2>Br2>I2 Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed