
When Mohammad Ali Bogra presented Bogra Formula in the assembly?
A. 1st January 1953 B. 4th April 1953 C. 3rd September 1953 D. 7th October 1953 Submitted by :- Jamil…

When the Constituent Assembly passed the Objectives Resolution?
A. 14th February 1949 B. 12th March 1949 C. 9th June 1949 D. 15th August 1949 Submitted by :- Jamil…

What document was firstly drafted to give pace to constitution making process?
A. Representative Act B. Pakistan Act C. Independence Act D. Objectives Resolution Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

When the constitution of 1962 was abrogated?
A. 25th March 1969 B. 29th July 1969 C. 4th April 1969 D. 14th April 1969 Submitted by :- Jamil…

Which kind of system of Government was introduced by the 1962 constitution?
A. Autonomous B. Presidential C. Bicameral D. Confederate Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

When Ayub Khan enforced new constitution in Pakistan?
A. 9th January 1962 B. 6th February 1962 C. 13th March 1962 D. 8th June 1962 Submitted by :- Jamil…

When was the first constitution abrogated and Martial Law was proclaimed?
A. 5th May 1958 B. 1st June 1958 C. 7th October 1958 D. 23rd December 1958 Submitted by :- Jamil…

Who abrogated 1956 constitution?
A. Ayub Khan B. Tikka Khan C. Iskander Mirza D. Yahya Khan Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

What was the official language declared in 1956 constitution?
A. Urdu B. Bengali C. Hindi D. Both a & b Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

What age was prescribed for President in 1956 constitution?
A. 40 years B. 45 years C. 50 years D. 55 years Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed