
Antonyms VACUITY
(A) Intelligence (B) Emptiness (C) Guarantee (D) Truth Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz

(A) Ordinary (B) Exceptional (C) Process (D) Demonstration Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz

Antonyms of FOE
(A) Friend (B) Enemy (C) Foul (D) Fail (E) Fraud Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz

Oil is mostly _________ by trucks in England.
(A) Transfer (B) Transmit (C) Transport (D) Travel (E) Deliver Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz

Bus _________ are going to increase. So, commuters are worried.
(A) Fees (B) Rates (C) Bills (D) Credits (E) Fares Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz

Kate, accompanied by her brother, ________ at the party.
(A) is (B) are (C) was (D) were Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz

If I had had money, I ________ it yesterday.
(A) would purchase (B) would purchased (C) would have purchase (D) would have purchased Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz

He takes his turn, and she takes ________.
(A) her (B) hers (C) herself (D) himself Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz

The market is nearer to them than ________.
(A) we (B) our self (C) us (D) ourselves Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz

The man ________ wallet was stolen called the police.
(A) who (B) whose (C) whom (D) which Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz