
First country to give women right to Vote
A: Australia B: New Zealand C: Bulgaria D: Great Britain Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz

The most recent state to join USA:?
A: Alaska B: Hawaii C: Mexico D: None of above Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz

World’s saltiest sea is ?
A: Red Sea B: Dead Sea C: Caspian Sea D: Black Sea Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz

RAMALLAH is the headquarter of …..?
A. Israel B.Palestine C.Jordan D.Sirya Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz

The Great Barrier Reef is located in ?
A: Pacific Ocean B: Indian Ocean C: Atlantic Ocean D: Arctic Ocean Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz

Name of Lower House of Russian federation legislation ?
A: Supreme Soviet B: Federation Council C: State Duma D: House of representatives Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz

The Greek work ‘Demos’, from which the term Democracy originated means ?
A: The sovereign B: The people C: The rule D: The constitution Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz

BRT stand for ?
A: Blue rapid Transport B: Best road transportation C: Bus Rapid Transit D: Best road Transit Submitted by :- Muhammad…

Universal deceleration of Human rights was adopted by ?
A: By the National Assembly of KP B: By the General Assembly of United Nations C: By the National Assembly…

Under CPC judges means the Presiding officer of ?
A: A Criminal Court B: A Civil Court C: A Session Court D: A High Court Submitted by :- Muhammad…