
Stronger is the oxidizing agent greater is the___________________?
A. Oxidation potential B. Redox potential C. e.m.f of cell D. standard reduction potential Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Atomic radius can be determined by_________________?
A. X – ray diffraction B. Spectrophotometer C. Optical microscope D. Electron microscope Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Bohrs model is contradicted by__________________?
A. Plancks theory B. Dual nature of matter C. Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle D. All of these Submitted by :- Jamil…

Which of the following is pseudo solid_____________________?
A. CaF2 B. NaCl C. Glass D. Diamond Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

The common name of propane -1 3-dioic acid is____________________?
A. Oxalic acid B. Succinic acid C. Malonic acid D. Fumaric acid Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Which one does not exhibit aldol condensation___________________?
A. Ethanal B. Acetone C. Benzaldehyde D. Butanone Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

The process of fermentation involves all the enzymes except__________________?
A. Diastase B. Invertase C. Zymase D. Sucrase Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Which one of the following is not a good leaving group ?
A. HSO4- B. Cl- C. OH- D. Br- Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

When toluene reacts with chlorine in sunlight the first major product is__________________?
A. Benzyl chloride B. Benzal dichloride C. O-chlorotoluene D. O-chlorotoluene and P-chlorotoluene Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Vinyl acetylene combines with hydrochloric acid produces___________________?
A. Diviny1 acetylene B. Ethylidene dichloride C. Chloroprene D. 1 – 3 – 3 – trichloro butane Submitted by :-…