
Hydro carbons which burn with smoky flame are called_________________?
A. Aliphatic B. Alicyclic C. Aromatic D. Aldehyde Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Main source of organic compounds is__________________?
A. Animal B. Fossil C. Coal D. Plants Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Industrial materials thermal power stations are coated with__________________?
A. Polyester resins B. Epoxy paints C. polyamide resins D. Polyvinyl chloride Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

The structure of ethyne is_________________?
A. angular B. trigonal C. linear D. trigonal planar Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Only sigma bonds are present in__________________?
A. propene B. butanoic acid C. butanal D. ethoxy ethane Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Which of the following is an amide________________?
A. R-NH2 B. RCONH2 C. R – NH – R D. C6H5NH2 Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Compound containing benzene ring in their structure are __________________?
A. aliphatic B. aromatic C. carboxylic acid D. carbohydrates Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Isomerism which is present only in alkene is__________________?
A. structural isomerism B. metamerism C. cis-trans isomerism D. both b and c Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

The metallic sound produced by engine due to the pre-ignition of fuel is called _______________?
A. knocking B. reforming C. cracking D. a and c Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

The process in which larger molecule with higher molecular weight breaks down into smaller molecules with lower molecular weight____________________?
A. polymerization B. pyrolysis C. isomerism D. no such process occurs Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed