
Rising of a wetting liquid in a capillary tube is due to__________________?
A. Surface tension B. Cohesive forces C. Adhesive forces D. viscosity Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

When water freezes at 0°C its density decreases due to_______________?
A. Change of bond angles B. Cubic structure of ice C. Empty space present in the structure of ice D.…

The conversion of vapours back into their liquid state is called__________________?
A. crystallization B. evaporization C. vaporization D. condensation Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Steam causes more sever burn than the boiling water because it possesses _________________?
A. Latent heat of fusion B. Latent heat of vaporization C. Latent heat of sublimation D. All of the above…

The density of water may be__________________?
A. Equal to that of ice B. Greater than that of ice C. Less than that of ice D. All…

The magnetic quantum number (QN) has its values determined directly by the value of_______________?
A. Principal (QN) B. Azimuthal (QN) C. Spin (QN) D. Both A & B Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

All of the following were theorized by Bohr in his description of the atom except__________________?
A. Angular momentum of electrons in multiples of h/2? B. Electrons revolve in discrete circular orbits C. Energy of each…

The amount of heat absorbed when one mole of a liquid is changed into gas at its boiling point is_____________________?
A. Molar heat of sublimation B. Molar heat of fusion C. Molar heat of vapourization D. Latent heat of that…

If a physical and chemical change takes place at a constant pressure then the heat change during the process is called__________________?
A. Heat of transition B. Heat of fusion C. Enthalpy change D. All of above Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Which solids are called true solids _______________?
A. Metallic B. Amorphous C. Crystalline D. Vitreous Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed