
The property of self-linking is known as catenation. Which of the mentioned metals has more catenation tendency?
Ge Si C Sn Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz

Sodium silicate is helpful and used
As a furniture polish. As a preservative of eggs In fire proofing of wood and textiles All A, B, and…

What is the formula of Epsom salt?
[A] CaSO4.7H2O [B] SrSO4.7H₂O [C] BaSO4.7H2O [D] MgSO4.7H2O Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz

Which is produced at cathode during the electrolysis of brine in Nelson’s cell?
Na H2 Cl2 O2 Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz

Down’s cell is helpful and used to prepare which of the following?
BaSO4 Na NaOH NaHCO3 Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz

Which of the sulfate is helpful and used in diagnosis of stomach ulcer?
SrSO4 BaSO4 CaSO4 BeSO4 Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz

Mg is present in
Ascorbic acid Haemoglobin Vitamin E Chlorophyll Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz

Halite is a chemical name of which of the following?
KCI NaCl MgCl2 SrCl2 Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz