
The species which donate two electron pairs in a coordination compound is called__________________?
A. ligand B. mono-dentate ligand C. poly-dentate ligand D. bi-dentate ligand Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

When a compound of transition element is dissolved in a solution of salt then it produces____________________?
A. simples ions B. complex ions C. double salts D. strong anions Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

When light is exposed to transition element then electrons jump from lower orbitals to higher orbitals in______________________?
A. orbitals of f-subshell B. orbitals of d-subshell C. orbitals of p-subshell D. both A & B Submitted by :-…

Compounds attracted by applied strong magnetic field are called__________________?
A. diamagnetic B. paramagnetic C. good conductor D. ferromagnetic Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

The location of transition elements is in between__________________?
A . lanthanides & actinides B. s and p block elements C. chalcogens and halogens D. d and f block…

Animal and vegetable fats are___________________?
A. Glycerols B. Fatty acids C. Triesters formed from glycerol and fatty acids D. Tetraesters formed from glycerol and fatty…

Lipids are soluble in___________________?
A. Organic solvents B. Organic and inorganic solvents C. Inorganic solvents D. Solubility has nothing to do with lipids Submitted…

Protein attached to some non protein group is called____________________?
A. Derived protein B. Sample protein C. Proteoses D. Conjugated protein Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

The process of polymerization was classified by___________________?
A. Strecker B. Sabatier C. Runge D. W. H. Carothers Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Hydrolysis of an oligosaccharide in the presence of acid yields________________?
A. one monosaccharide unit B. No monosaccharide unit C. 2-9 monosaccharide unit D. many monosaccharide Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed