
Enzyme proved useful in cancer treatment is_______________?
A. Lactic dehydrogenase B. Alkaline phosphatase C. L-asparaginase D. Cellulase Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Enzymes from the same organism which catalyze same reaction but are chemically and physically distinct from each other are called______________?
A. Oxidoreductases B. Hydrolases C. Isoenzymes D. Isomerases Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Saponification is the hydrolysis of fat or oil with an__________________?
A. Acid B. Alkali C. Enzyme and alkali D. Enzyme and acid Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Triglycerides are easily hydrolyzed by enzymes called_________________?
A. Lyases B. Ligases C. Lipases D. Hydrolases Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Purines and pyrimidines are__________________?
A. Enzymes B. Nitrogenous bases C. Carbohydrates D. Lipids Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Rate of enzymatic reaction is directly proportional to the concentration of___________________?
A. Enzyme B. Substrate C. Enzyme and substrate D. Enzyme and product Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Lipopolysaccharides are examples of________________?
A. Derived lipids B. Simple lipids C. Compound lipids D. Not a type of lipids Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Animal fats are located particularly in__________________?
A. Skeleton tissues B. Cardiac tissues C. Connective tissues D. Adipose tissues Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Regular coiling or zigzagging of polypeptide through hydrogen bonding is its_______________?
A. Quantum structure B. Secondary structure C. Tertiary structure D. Primary structure Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

All proteins yield ___________ upon complete hydrolysis?
A. Nitrogen B. Amino acids C. Carbon and hydrogen D. Sulphur Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed