
Second ionization potential of alkali metals are very high due to_______________?
A. being s-block elements B. inert gas configurations C. ns1 electronic configuration D. being metals Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Sodium is not observed in +2 oxidation state because of its__________________?
A. high first ionization potential B. high second ionization potential C. high ionic radius D. high electronegativity Submitted by :-…

Which one of the following pairs shown diagonal relationship in the periodic table ?
A. Sodium and Lithium B. Lithium and magnesium C. Lithium and beryllium D. Boron and Beryllium Submitted by :- Jamil…

Which one of the following alkali metals forms only normal oxide when it reacts with O2 ?
A. Lithium B. Sodium C. Potassium D. Rubidium Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Replacement of hydrogen of benzene by alkyl group in the presence of alkyl halide & aluminum chloride is known as__________________?
A. Dows process B. Friedel & Craft acylation C. Friedel & Craft alkylation D. Clemmenson reduction Submitted by :- Jamil…

During sulphonation of benzene H2SO4 generates the electrophile _________________?
A. HSO4- B. SO2 C. SO3 D. H+ Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Reacting bromine with benzene in the presence of sunlight will result in_______________?
A. The rupturing of benzene ring B. Substitution reaction C. Addition reaction D. No-reaction Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Which one of the following methods will not give benzene ?
A. Heating sod. Salt of Benzoic acid with soda lime B. Distilling phenol with Zn dust C. Chlorobenzene with NaOH…

How many moles of H2 are added up when benzene is heated with hydrogen in the presence of platinum ?
A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Six Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed