
Michael Faraday discovered benzene in the gas which was produced by destructive distillation of vegetable oil that is done in________________?
A. The presence of Oxygen B. The presence of Hydrogen C. The absence of Oxygen D. The presence of excessive…

Which is fused cyclic aromatic compound _____________________?
A. diphenyl amine B. diphenyl methane C. naphthalene D. biphenyl Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Mixture of catalysts Cr2O3 + A?2O3 + SiO2 at 5?C are used when benzene is prepared from_______________?
A. acetylene B. N-hexane C. Benzene sulphonic acid D. Sodium benzoate Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Chlorination of toluene in the presence of sunlight produces_________________?
A. Benzyl chloride B. o – chlorotoluene C. p – chlorotoluene D. benzoic acid Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

By which method the molecular mass of benzene was determined as 78.18 ?
A. Specific gravity method B. Vapor density method C. X-ray diffraction method D. Distillation methos Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Nitration of chlorobenzene gives___________________?
A. o – chloronitrobenzene B. p – chloronitrobenzene C. m – chloronitrobenzene D. A & B Submitted by :- Jamil…

Aniline is a derivative of benzene which contains__________________?
A. Imino group B. Amino group C. Amide group D. Nitro group Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

In benzene sulphonic acid the sulphonic group is attached with benzene ring through ___________________?
A. Hydrogen B. Oxygen C. Sulphur D. OH Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

The hydrolysis of Benzene trizonide will yield three moles of____________________?
A. Glyoxime B. Benzaldehyde C. Glycol D. Glyoxal Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

What is the molecular formula of Benzenetriozonide ?
A. C6H6O9 B. C6H5O8 C. C6H5O9 D. C6H6O6 Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed