
Which compound form benzoic acid on oxidation with acidified KMnO4 or K2Cr2O7 ?
A. Toluene B. Ethyl benzene C. n-propyl benzene D. All Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Special features of borate glass is that it is_________________?
A. Heat resistant B. Low melting C. Used to prepare chemical garden D. Green in colour Submitted by :- Jamil…

Borax is a white crystalline solid and it is_________________?
A. More soluble in cold water B. More soluble in hot water C. Insoluble in water D. Soluble only in…

One of the outstanding features of boron is its ability to form__________________?
A. Molecular addition compounds B. Molecular crystals C. Semiconductors D. Ionic compounds Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Boron is non-Metal whereas A1 is metal. It is due to_______________________?
A. Small size B. High nuclear charge C. Both A and B D. No authorized justification yet Submitted by :-…

Ozonolysis of benzene produces___________________?
A. Glycol B. Glyoxal C. Vicinal diol D. Both B & C Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

The preparation of benzene from acetylene can also be said as_________________?
A. Oxidation B. Polymerization C. Dehydration D. Condensation Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Benzene is heated in air with V2O5 at 450°C it undergoes________________?
A. Substitution reaction B. Addition reaction C. Elimination reaction D. Oxidation reaction Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Benzene does not undergo___________________?
A. Substitution reaction B. Addition reaction C. Polymerization reactions D. Oxidation reactions Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed