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  • mnsoomro


Which of the following compounds is not soluble in HNO3___?

A. CuS B. CaCO3 C. PbS D. AgCl Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

When SO2 solution is passed over which of the following it turns green?

A. K2Cr2O7 B. H2SO4 C. SO3 D. P2O5 Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

The composition of ‘ Golden spangles is_________?

A. PbCrO4 B. PbI2 C. As2Cr2O7 D. BaCrO4 Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

What is chemical symbol for Tungsten?

A. Z B. T C. Tn D. W Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Noble gases are so called zero group because they have:_________?

A. Zero Valency B. Zero Electronegativity C. Zero Electron Affinity D. Both A and B E. All of these Submitted…

In a group, atomic radii increase due to successive increase of _________ ?

A. Electronic shells B. Proton shells C. Neutron shells D. Nucleus Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

Chromatography is used to separate _________ ?

A. Solution B. Mixtures C. Molecules D. Atoms Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

In SI base units, 1 Bq is equal to __________ ?

A. 10 disintegration per second B. 1.5 disintegration per second C. 0.1 disintegration per second D. 1 disintegration per second…

A helium nucleus comprising of two protons and two neutrons with a charge of 2e is _________ ?

A. Beta particle B. Gamma particle C. Alpha particle D. Negative particle Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed