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What was the real name of Hazrat Abu Baker (R.A)?

Abdullah ibn Uthman Abu Turab Sadiq e Akber Saraqa bin jasham Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz

The hottest planet is

Answer: Venus Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz

Comets revolve around :

Answer: Sun Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz

Which planet is made up of thick white and yellowish clouds of sulfuric acid?

The correct answer is Venus. Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz

Which of the following planets is called the yellow planet?

The correct answer is ‘Venus”. Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz

Mercury and Venus has how many Sattelites (Moon)

Answer: Zero (No Moon) Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz

Which vitamin is known for promoting healthy vision?

Answer: Vitamin A Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz

Which vitamin is synthesized by the body when exposed to sunlight?

Answer:  Vitamin D Submitted by :- Muhammad Nawaz