The anhydride of HCIO4 is_________________?

A. Cl2O
B. Cl2O6
C. ClO2
D. Cl2O7

¨       The anhydride of an acid is the non-metal oxide that is formed when the acid is dehydrated or loses water. In the case of HClO4 (perchloric acid), the anhydride is Cl2O7 (dichlorine heptoxide).

¨       Cl2O7 is a molecular compound composed of two chlorine atoms and seven oxygen atoms. The compound is a strong oxidizing agent and can react violently with water to form perchloric acid:

¨       Cl2O7 + H2O -> 2 HClO4

¨       The compound is a powerful electrophile and can react with a variety of organic compounds to form chlorinated products. It is also a potent Lewis acid and can form adducts with Lewis bases such as ammonia and pyridine.

Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

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