The rectified spirit contains________________?

A. 12% alcohol
B. 9% alcohol
C. 95% alcohol
D. 1% alcohol

¨       Rectified spirit is a type of alcohol that has been distilled to a high level of purity. It typically contains around 95% alcohol by volume (ABV), with the remaining 5% being water and other impurities. The high alcohol content of rectified spirit makes it useful for a variety of purposes, including as a solvent, fuel, and ingredient in certain products like perfumes and cleaning solutions.

¨       An azeotrope is a mixture of two or more liquids that has a constant boiling point and composition. This means that when an azeotropic mixture is heated, it boils at a specific temperature and produces a vapor with the same composition as the liquid. One example of an azeotropic mixture is a mixture of ethanol and water, which has a boiling point of 78.2°C and a composition of 95.6% ethanol and 4.4% water. This means that if a mixture of ethanol and water is heated to 78.2°C, the resulting vapor will contain 95.6% ethanol and 4.4% water, regardless of the initial composition of the mixture.

¨       Rectified spirit and azeotropes are related because rectified spirit can be used as a component in azeotropic mixtures. For example, rectified spirit can be mixed with water to create an ethanol-water azeotrope that is used as a fuel in some engines. Additionally, rectified spirit can be used as a starting material to produce other azeotropic mixtures, such as a mixture of chloroform and methanol used in some laboratory applications.

Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

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