Which of the following is soluble in water?

A. AgF
B. AgCl
C. AgBr
D. AgI

¨       Silver fluoride (AgF) is soluble in water, whereas silver chloride (AgCl), silver bromide (AgBr), and silver iodide (AgI) are insoluble in water. Therefore, the correct option is: AgF

¨       The solubility of silver halides (AgX) in water decreases as the size of the halide ion increases. Silver fluoride has a small fluoride ion (F-) which is highly polarizable and able to form strong hydrogen bonds with water molecules, leading to its high solubility in water. In comparison, silver chloride, silver bromide, and silver iodide have larger halide ions that are less polarizable and less able to form hydrogen bonds with water molecules, resulting in their low solubility in water.

Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

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