Which one does not give borax bead test_________________?

A. Copper sulphate
B. Barium sulphate / Mg+2 / Al3+ salts
C. Cobalt sulphate
D. Nickel sulphate

  • Borax Bead Test: It is a chemical test to disclose the presence of certain metals in a sample.
  • A simple laboratory test for certain metal ions in salts. A small amount of the salt is mixed with borax and a molten bead formed on the end of a piece of platinum wire.
  • Certain metals can be identified by the colour of the bead produced in the oxidizing and reducing parts of a Bunsen flame.
  • Sodium tetaraborate decahydrate Na2​B4​O7​.10H2​O→Na2​B4​O7​→2NaBO2​+B2O3​

B2​O3​ combines with metal oxides to form metal metaborates which form coloured beads. This reaction is called “Borax bead test” B2​O3​+CoO → Co(BO2​)2​

Submitted by :- Jamil Ahmed

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